
With us, the best become even better. Promised.

Our engineering services enjoy a very good reputation for quality in a wide variety of industries. This is why our references come from a number of national and international industry leaders who entrust us with interesting projects at home and abroad. Here is an excerpt from the MR PLAN Group customer list.

Automotive industry

» The MR PLAN Group has repeatedly shown itself to be a highly competent partner in handling the responsibilities of complex projects in the field of new technologies. We took specific advantage of this to plan the new project on “synchronous tool construction” at our site in Ingolstadt and to simulate the new concepts for final assembly at Lamborghini. Innovation, expertise and reliability were shown to be attributes of the MR PLAN Group. «
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hubert Waltl (Board Member for Production and Logistics, AUDI AG)
» I have known the MR PLAN Group for many years as an innovative partner in engineering projects in the automotive industry. The continuous international development of this company, especially in Asian countries, has led to successful projects, including the “Design Engineering – Tendering Equipment – Realization of the new R&D Center” project in the automotive industry in China. Technological expertise allied with cultural understanding was fundamental to the good outcomes. «
Karsten Engel (President & CEO, BMW Group China)
» Mr Mayer and his team have spent many years accompanying precisely defined and cross-functional engineering jobs in the field of power-train production planning. The focal points of this collaboration range from conceptual design tasks to efficiency increase projects in series production processes. Particular mention must be made of their remarkable expertise at the interface between the assembly process and the operations and logistics management of production units. «
Steffen Laux (Production Planning, Mercedes Benz)

Aviation and aerospace

» The MR PLAN Group is a modern company with a strategic vision and a high level of technical and innovative expertise. It is particularly important for a global company like Airbus Helicopters that the MR PLAN Group has the structures and skills required in order to accompany customers into new markets such as China. «
Dr. Wolfgang Schoder (Managing Director, Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH)
» … we succeeded in designing efficient processes by using the MR PLAN Group‘s procedural model and tools. We were impressed with what was achieved in terms of transparency, cost reduction during the planning phase and quality … «
Dieter Stein (Head of A380 Cabin Furnishing (2001-2008); current Head of Manufact. VertTailPlane, Stade, Airbus Operations GmbH)
» Competent support with factory planning and related project management. Provides important impetus and helps the in-house organization. «
Dr. Kai Brüggemann (Plant manager AIRBUS Hamburg)
» For difficult and complex problems in the field of site analysis, factory and layout planning, MR PLAN Group is always our first point of contact. Their analyses and concepts always convince us. «
Hans Steininger (CEO of MT Aerospace AG, Augsburg)
» The MR PLAN Group has acquired decades of experience in the aviation industry, all of which produced outstanding cooperation on various assignments at sites run by Premium AEROTEC. One of the beacon projects was the planning of our new factory on a greenfield site at our Augsburg plant for the production of CFRP shells for the Airbus A 350. The results and the nature of the teamwork were exceptional. «
Joachim Nägele (Head of Programmes and Sales / Director, Premium AEROTEC GmbH)

Mechanical engineering

» Over the last 15 years, the MR PLAN Group has actively supported me in various industrial technology and production companies by working with us on projects such as site relocations at home and abroad, or the development and implementation of logistics concepts and production expansions, with great professionalism and commitment. Their pragmatic, target-oriented approach made it possible to bring all projects to successful completion on budget and on schedule. The responsible MR PLAN Group employees on individual projects stood out in terms of their great experience, proximity to the production process and in-depth knowledge, and they impressed my management team and my staff with their efficiency and expertise. «
Robert Lackermeier (CEO, ABM Greifenberger)
» The professional project management skills of the MR PLAN Group are impressive. Success is visible and sustainable. «
Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Joachim Gietmann (Works Manager, SMS Meer GmbH Moenchengladbach)
» When it comes to process optimisation and plant development, we have found a reliable planning partner in the shape of the MR PLAN Group. «
Dipl. Kaufm. (FH) Hendrik P. Desch (Managing Partner, DESCH Antriebstechnik GmbH)
» … the collaboration with the team from the MR PLAN Group has led to success once again. The principles of lean production were systematically applied in the course of production and logistics planning. The inclusion of shop floor workers within the scope of CIP workshops ensured that the devised solutions met with a high level of acceptance. From the plant design to the optimised assembly stations, the results achieved leave us in no doubt that the required productivity targets will be attained. «
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Zeller (Director, JENOPTIK Lechmotoren GmbH)

Food and chemicals industry

» … I am really delighted both with the outcomes and execution of the project and the people I dealt with at the MR PLAN Group. «
Jörg Herkenhoff (Site Manager, Pickenpack – Hussmann & Hahn Seafood GmbH, Lueneburg)

Public sector and associations

» Due to a heavily increased number of pupils, the Donau-Ries district was looking to extend the Hans-Leipelt-Schule (higher vocational school) by eight classrooms in the immediate term. MR PLAN Group was assigned with the planning and implementation support. In a record time of just around six months from building permit application planning to completion of the two-story lightweight design teaching pavilion, MR PLAN together with a general contractor carried out the functional school extension building. In cooperation with MR PLAN Group the Donau-Ries district could not only create attractive classrooms, but also the estimated total cost came in at around 10% below budget. «
County commissioner Stefan Rößle (Donau-Ries disctrict)
» Under the leadership of their cosmopolitan and yet down-to-earth chairman of the board, Claus Mayer, MR PLAN Group also performs in the communal sector. In recent years MR PLAN Group has significantly participated in – amongst others – two award-winning projects in Donauwoerth: the historically significant former Hotel Krebs has been converted into the future-oriented medical specialist centre “Maximilium” and this has been awarded a “spezial prize” by the county of Swabia. In Spindeltal the Forum für Bildung und Energie (forum for education and energy) was created as a modern and energy-efficient building for Volkshochschule (adult education centre), which in 2016 was awarded the “Preis für Baukultur der Metropolregion München” (prize for building culture of the metropolitan Munich region). With MR PLAN Group we had a reliable and competent partner for project and construction management. «
Armin Neudert (Mayor of Donauwoerth)
» We have partnered with MR PLAN Group for many years. Our cooperation is characterized by trust, openness and fairness. Within MR PLAN Group partnership is not just a word, but is really lived by. In the construction and realization of our customer service center in Donauwörth, MR PLAN has accompanied us as a project manager from the very beginning. The strong expertise in the industrial area has proven very valuable for the successful implementation of our ambitious new construction. «
Johann Natzer (CEO Sparkasse Donauwoerth)

Other industries

» … die Werksplanung der MR PLAN Group ist äußerst professionell und wurde 1:1 umgesetzt. Methoden und Vorgehensweisen wurden in unsere tägliche Arbeit übernommen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse wie eine um über 50% reduzierte Durchlaufzeit in der Montage übertrafen eindeutig unsere bereits hochgesteckten Erwartungen. … «
Kai-Uwe Weiß (Leiter Produktionsplanung, LESER GmbH & Co. KG Hamburg)
» … das Team der MR PLAN Group hat sich bei uns im Haus als umsetzungsstarker Berater und Prozessbegleiter präsentiert. Starke Methodenkompetenz sowie Beharrlichkeit und Durchsetzungsvermögen bei gleichzeitigem Respekt vor gewachsenen betrieblichen Strukturen haben im Ergebnis zu entscheidenden Verbesserungen in Produktionsorganisation und Produktionsabläufen geführt. «
Gunther Heiss (Vice President Global Operations, Ziehm Imaging GmbH Nürnberg)

Please contact us

Tel. +49 (906) 7095-0

Company head office

Kaiser-Karl-Straße 5
86609 Donauwoerth

Top Consultant 2022

Ankara / Beijing / Berlin / Bremen / Donauwoerth / Kecskemét / Munich / Stuttgart / Shanghai / Wolfsburg